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Netherlands: More legal acts of euthanasia than ever before
In 2021, no fewer than 7,666 patients were killed on demand, representing an increase of over 10 percent compared to 2020.

28 people in New Zealand have died by euthanasia or assisted suicide in first 3 months of new law
New Zealand’s law permitting euthanasia and assisted suicide came into effect in November 2021.

Austria legalizes assisted suicide for people considered terminally ill or disabled
The current ruling party, the supposedly Christian conservative Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP), supported the bill.

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  • Christian Legal Centre that fought to save Polish Catholic thanks LifeSiteNews readers
    ‘I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the way in which supporters and readers of LifeSiteNews got behind us at the Christian Legal Centre as during December through Christmas—indeed, even on Christmas Day—through New Year, even on New Year’s Day, we were working day and night to try and secure life and justice and hope for RS’