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British children’s charity actively promotes contraception, abortifacient drugs for adolescents
International charity Save the Children is promoting and distributing contraception among children and adolescents, especially in developing parts of the world.

English theater company sparks outrage after staging sexually explicit show for children
The Family Sex Show describes itself as ‘a show for families about sex and relationships’ and a ‘fun and silly performance about the painfully awkward subject of sex.’

Disney executive boasts of ‘targeting’ millennials, Generation Z with LGBT content
Mother of ‘two queer children’ brags about pushing LGBT content.

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Wisconsin teacher performs ‘drag queen’ routine for students; school downplays controversy
Twitter account Libs of Tik Tok called the display ‘sickening,’ suggesting teachers should focus ‘on teaching math, science, and history instead of drag.’

Seattle museum co-founded by Microsoft executive announces drag queen summer camp for kids
The camp includes a drag show performance.

Catholics pray rosary to protest drag queen story hour as woke ‘pastors’ support scandalizing children
To protest the event some 45 Catholics arrived outside the building where they prayed the rosary, sang hymns, chanted litanies, and played bagpipes.

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  • Hungary rebukes EU demand to change anti-pedophilia law
    The European Union passed a resolution Thursday denouncing Hungary’s new anti-pedophilia law, which includes a ban on pro-LGBT materials in schools. “Brussels bureaucrats have no business at all, no matter what they do we will not let LGBTQ activists among our children,” Hungarian premier Viktor Orbán declared.
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‘Grooming’ perfectly describes ‘ideological manipulation’ in schools: former teacher
The former public school teacher said kids are groomed on a regular basis, regardless of whether the grooming is sexual in nature every time.

Illinois school district forces radical LGBT ideology on preschoolers as young as 3
The curriculum teaches kids that those who ’feel like a girl and a boy; or neither like a boy or a girl’ are ’transgender’ while asking them to ‘explore’ their own ‘gender identity.’

Leaked video, documents reveal LGBT indoctrination in private schools across America
Schools ‘are actively working to rob our children of their innocence and sow doubt about the most fundamental aspects of human nature,’ one concerned mother said.

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  • Biden administration supports global plan for graphic LGBT sex-ed
    UN guidelines supported by the Biden administration aggressively promote social acceptance of homosexuality and transgenderism from a young age, including teaching five-year-old children that their gender does not necessarily correspond to their biological sex
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